You Are Doing That Too Much. Try Again in 4 Minutes. Reddit

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Cardio, yous either love information technology or hate it. To some, cardio provides you with a cracking sweat-inducing, middle-pumping workout while to others, information technology's pure torture. Regardless of whether you enjoy cardio or not though, it is really important to your health and a great idea to add together it to your routine on a regular basis.

However, have yous ever heard of the saying "You can have too much of a good affair?" Well, that applies hither to cardio also. There is a limit, which varies with each individual, on how much cardio y'all really need to reap its benefits and how much cardio is too much. Hitting this limit will unfortunately start to take the reverse result and impact you negatively instead of positively.

So while it's pivotal to include some cardio in your everyday life, exist conscientious non to push it besides much (and we'll tell you how to recognize when you are).

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How Much Cardio Do Y'all Need?

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The Physical Fitness Guidelines 2nd Edition states that the average American developed volition greatly benefit from 150-300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity concrete activity. This is described as something similar to a brisk walk. Y'all need to move like you have a purpose and you're in a bit of a hurry. Generally, y'all'll withal be able to speak in full sentences but you may demand to take more breaths in between.

If your do is more towards the loftier-intensity levels, and so 75-minutes per week should be your minimum goal.

This means you'll be working at effectually 75 per centum of your maximum middle rate. Co-ordinate to the American Heart Association (AHA), your maximum heart rate should exist 220 minus your age.

Then if you're twenty years old, this would exist 200 beats per minute. To work at around 75 percent of this, you lot're aiming for approximately 150 beats.

You also won't be able to talk likewise much, merely a few words at a time and you lot'll exist breathless.

Another mode to know if yous're working out at high-intensity levels is by your perceived exertion. You'll know if yous're actually exerting yourself or if you're taking information technology a bit easier.

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8 Signs You lot're Doing Too Much Cardio

While cardio is admittedly great for you, if you're doing excessive amounts, then it will become detrimental to you both physically and mentally. If you want to know if you're pushing it a bit too hard, and then keep an eye out for these viii signs that tell you lot you are.


There's a mutual misconception that existence sore is a good thing, that it means you're working yourself hard and that your conditioning is efficient.

All the same, this is non the instance.

Typically, y'all will experience DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) when you lot use muscles that you oasis't used in a while, when you're working with a heavier load than usual or if y'all're trying a new exercise. Y'all're putting your body under more stress and your body is adapting to this new training.

Even so, once you become conditioned to your conditioning, your soreness should ease. Don't take this as an indicator that y'all're not preparation hard plenty though; it simply means your body has adapted.

So while a little muscle fatigue is normal in one case in a while, if you find that you lot're constantly feeling sore, then information technology's a sign that yous're doing also much. It's your body telling you to slow downwardly the step and relieve some of the load you're putting on it. Don't use soreness every bit a measurement of a skillful workout. Instead, if it'southward more than than the typical DOMS you're experiencing, then employ it as an indicator that you need to slow it downwardly.

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In that location are some high-impact cardio exercises that tin be pretty hard on the joints. Movements that mean you can land pretty hard on the joints, such as running or jumping, can cause joint hurting. If you continue to exercise information technology, then this can aggravate information technology which is something you should definitely avoid.

If yous're feeling it in your body (common areas are the knees, ankles, lower back and hips), so information technology's a sign that yous're doing too much cardio or at least too much high-impact cardio.

Have a break and requite your body the rest it deserves. If y'all tin't give information technology up completely, then switch to low-impact exercises that'll proceed y'all moving without the joint pain such as swimming, walking, bicycling and the elliptical machine.

Deport in heed that joint hurting tends to happen gradually and then if you're starting to feel a tinge or ache, exist careful not to simply push button through the pain. Information technology will be better to prevent it from further developing than to endeavor and fix it later.

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three. YOUR 'Like shooting fish in a barrel' DAYS ARE BECOMING Difficult

Some other way to place that y'all're doing too much cardio is when your typically like shooting fish in a barrel days start to feel similar hard days.

While information technology'south perfectly normal for anybody to have a bad or off grooming twenty-four hours in one case in a while, if you find that this is happening on a regular basis, then information technology's an indicator that you lot've reached the level of doing too much and is overtraining.

Without the balance your trunk needs, you lot're non allowing yourself to recover from your sessions. This is why sessions that are normally easy for yous are beginning to feel really hard. It's your trunk telling you to slow information technology down and requite it a pause.

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Some other style to tell if you lot're doing too much cardio is if yous just don't await forward to your workouts anymore.

Information technology'southward normal to have an off twenty-four hour period or days when you simply just don't want to exercise, simply if it'southward happening on a regular basis and you're typically disciplined in your preparation, then you're pushing yourself too much.

Take a well-deserved break or try something new and exciting that can aid get you out of your funk.

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Yeah, we did say that cardio is smashing for getting a expert night's slumber but when y'all exercise besides much cardio, then it has the opposite effect and starts to affect our slumber negatively.

Cardio elevates your heart rate and core temperature, not to mention releasing those feel-good endorphins we all love so much. It can be a dandy state to be in merely the more yous exercise, the longer yous're in this excited country which so becomes not-so-keen if you're trying to sleep. People more often than not sleep ameliorate at cooler body temperatures then if your core temperature is high due to do, this may exist a problem.

When your body is under stress (which information technology is during exercise), it raises your cortisol levels. Cortisol is naturally released throughout the 24-hour interval, peaking a little afterwards you wake up and slowly decreasing throughout the day, with the everyman levels at night at bedtime. If you are doing too much cardio though, information technology can make your body autumn out of its natural rhythm. Hence, your inability to slumber well at dark.

Reduce the amount of cardio yous're doing and see whether information technology's made a departure to your slumber. Another alternative is to terminate working out too late in the evening or nighttime. Keep your sessions to the day or the tardily afternoon latest and then that your body has plenty fourth dimension to cool down.

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Yous're bound to feel tired after you exercise. Placing stress on the torso and getting moving for a period of time will make you fatigued. However, y'all should recover fairly presently afterward. If y'all find that's not the case and instead, you're constantly feeling tired even when you're not preparation, and then yous're doing besides much cardio.

Do is great for bringing your energy levels up, that's for sure, but there is only and then much stress nosotros can place on our bodies.

Unfortunately, nosotros are merely human being and so take a finite chapters of dealing with stress. Doing too much will make united states of america hit our limit fairly quickly, leaving us depleted, worn out and drained.

When practise starts to take a negative effect, and then you lot know you demand to cut information technology downward. Plus, being this fatigued also makes you lot more vulnerable to being sick, which leads us to the next point.

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Have you found that your immune system isn't working as well as it normally does?

If you feel unwell or get sick more ofttimes than you usually do, and so too much cardio may just be the culprit.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released in response to stress being placed on our bodies, i.eastward. cardio.

Cortisol too suppresses our immune system and if yous're doing as well much cardio, then that's a lot of cortisol being released that'south repressing our immunity which is why you're falling sick more frequently.

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While cardio definitely has its place in our day-to-day lives no matter what fitness disciple nosotros train in, doing too much tin can bear upon muscle growth. If you have an overload of cardio in your routine and you're non fueling your body, then the torso may turn to break down musculus tissue during your sessions.

With less muscle in your trunk, your resting metabolism will drop. This refers to the number of calories your trunk burns when resting. So, a loss of muscle will atomic number 82 to a loss of calories being burned which subsequently leads to slower fat loss. Yous're going to have to do more to fire more calories and shed fat than what y'all were doing before. Y'all'll detect yourself in an endless, vicious cycle.

If this is happening to you, and then you may become skinny fat, which is when the scale may betoken that you're lean but you lot actually have a high body fat pct. You lot may have smaller arms or legs for example but nonetheless accept a stubborn belly that refuses to leave.

To avert accelerating musculus loss, be mindful of doing too much cardio. Rather than cutting cardio out of your routine altogether, make sure that you add strength training to your routine as well. Lifting has its ain benefits, as does cardio and then by doing both, you lot'll exist getting the best of both worlds.

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What Are Some Of Other Fitness Options When You lot Realize You're Doing Too Much Cardio?

So, you've realized that you may be doing just a little too much cardio.

To counteract this, we've put together a list of some dissimilar activities that y'all can implement then that yous're withal reaping benefits but without overtraining the cardio. Plus, you never know, you might relish trying out some different exercises too.

1. STRENGTH Grooming

Strength training is a nifty, complementary blazon of exercise to add together to your routine opposite cardio. It can decelerate musculus loss from too much cardio and help you fire more than calories past raising your resting metabolism charge per unit. It also means that y'all'll develop improved posture, coordination and can improve control your claret carbohydrate levels.

Not only that, but the advantages of force training crosses over to your cardio exercise besides.

If y'all're a sprinter, you'll need a quick burst of energy. If you lift fewer reps merely at a heavier weight, then yous piece of work on explosive ability that can develop your fast twitch muscle fibers. In plough, this will assist with your sprinting and give you lot that explosive speed and ability y'all demand correct off the starting block.

If yous adopt longer runs, then working on your slow twitch muscle fibers will be better beneficial instead. Focus on lower weights just with higher reps that will build that muscular endurance in the weights too as in your cardio endurance for your marathons.

By the fashion, if this sounds expert to you and you lot're looking to get into strength training, and so check out FitBod. It generates a preparation plan for you that'll help you gain force and build muscle.

two. YOGA


Equally excessive cardio tin can exit y'all feeling sore and achy, yoga is well-known for its power to heal the body and assist with recovery. It increases your mobility and flexibility not to mention improves your respiratory organization. Yoga assists in lengthening the muscles and tendons and it gives you a actually good stretch.

It'southward a restorative practice that also encompasses mental benefits. It focuses on letting out whatsoever negative emotions or thoughts that may be clouding your mind and breathing in the skilful.

It is a good option to supersede some of your cardio sessions with. Don't be fooled though. Information technology may exist depression-impact simply depending on what blazon of yoga you lot do, it can be quite hard and you might find yourself sweating during a more intense session.

3. Rest

Who says that you demand to replace practice with more exercise?

If you find that you're doing too much, then sometimes your all-time option is to merely rest. If yous tin't keep still and adopt some active recovery, then maybe some gentle stretches or foam rolling tin be a good option. Too, gong for a nice, leisurely walk is a great idea equally well.

Simply at the cease of the day, giving yourself that time to recover may be the best thing for yous.

Benefits of Cardio

To finish, I don't want you to think that cardio is a bad thing.  Most people should be doing more than cardio, non less.

Cardio is dandy for you lot for many reasons. It delivers both physical and mental rewards that'll leave y'all feeling skilful and energized from the inside out.

Here are some of them:


Who doesn't desire a good for you centre? With cardio, you strengthen your center and increase claret flow around the body.

You can measure out how cardio has affected your middle health by tracking your resting heart rate, that is, how many times your middle is beating per infinitesimal. The lower it is, the better. The average rate range is from 60-100 beats. Cardio can assistance in decreasing your resting heart rate because the healthier your middle is, the bigger the burst of claret it can pump around your entire body, pregnant fewer beats are really needed to achieve the same goal.

And of grade, with amend blood catamenia, comes the reduced risk of heart attacks.


Some other benefit of cardio is that it can increase the amount of oxygen you lot deport effectually the body. This means that there is less need on the lungs when you're exercising equally well as more oxygen being delivered to your muscles. The more oxygen your muscles have, the greater work capacity it has, making activities a lot easier.


Cardio is actually great for your health. It helps to reduce the hazard of various diseases and conditions such as loftier claret pressure, loftier cholesterol and certain forms of cancer. The increased claret menstruation too means that you'll accept a decreased hazard of a stroke while helping to protect against diseases such equally Alzheimer'southward.


Cardio doesn't just give yous physical wellness benefits only besides really great mental ones as well. When y'all finish your workout, yous're usually on a high. This is because when yous exercise, your body releases endorphins that make you experience skilful.

It's an constructive tool to give you relief, even if just temporary, from depression and feet. It boosts your mood to brand yous experience euphoric and improves self-esteem. It also helps in reducing stress and of course, the less stressful yous are, the happier you lot will be.

5. BOOSTS Cognitive Functioning

Can exercise make you smarter? Well, it definitely tin can improve your brain performance. When you practise cardio, you bolster the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that's responsible for memory and learning, so if you lot find that you have more brain power after a session, yous can give thanks cardio for that! Information technology reduces cognitive decline and boosts your memory also.

6. HELPS Yous Become YOUR BEAUTY Slumber

If you need to relax and calm your mind for a peachy dark's sleep, cardio can help with that. It is a not bad fashion to work off any stress of the day besides equally ensuring your cyclic rhythm, that is, our torso clock that tells us when we're tired or alert, is in sync.

Plus, if you take whatever extra energy yous need to burn off, you can definitely exercise that in your training and then that you're fix and relaxed to sleep later.


There are some people who beloved to solely practise cardio merely some people also train in other disciples. The practiced news is that cardio can besides help with that as w
ell. Those who train in Muay Thai or boxing, for instance, need to have smashing cardiovascular endurance to increment their stamina in the band. These benefits that you'll receive from calculation cardio to your daily life definitely translates to other fitness disciplines that you may do.

Terminal Thoughts

You lot should practise as much cardio every bit yous need to attain your goals but listen to how your torso responds and adjust accordingly. If you find that you're recognizing some of these signs that you're doing also much, then you lot most likely are. Cistron in rest and recovery days, tedious down the pace or switch up some of your days for other types of fitness like forcefulness preparation. Your torso will give thanks you for it.

Nigh The Writer

Emily Trinh

Emily Trinh

Every bit a health and fitness writer, Emily combines her two passions—powerlifting and writing. With a creative writing degree under her belt, she spends her mornings lifting weights, her nights putting pen to newspaper, and eating too many snacks in between.


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